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LiveChat enriches its application with the HelpDesk integration

|Jun 16, 2020

LiveChat Software, the company behind the popular LiveChat customer service platform, has made it possible to natively integrate the platform with HelpDesk. From now on, the more than 30 000 companies that use LiveChat will be able to use one interface for both applications.

LiveChat Software launched HelpDesk as an independent product last May. HelpDesk is an improved ticketing system, based on core functions already available in the LiveChat application, which allows website visitors to leave messages when customer service agents are offline. In addition to collecting customer inquiries, the tickets in HelpDesk are also appropriately categorized.

Over the years we have become a business with many products. We want them to operate together, offer a consistent experience, and be easily accessible across the product suite. Although each product works well independently, joining them together lets users create a communication management center.
Rafal Kloc, Product Marketing Manager at LiveChat

With the integration, HelpDesk is embedded in the LiveChat app so users don’t need to switch between two applications while working with customers. This lets users manage all messages from customers in one place: incoming emails, requests from web forms, and more. The application stores the full conversation history with every customer which makes it easier to find valuable insights and help customers faster.

Moreover, users are able to measure the company’s performance and identify trends using reports such as Ticket Satisfaction, First Response Time, or the new ticket Heatmap, which shows the volume of tickets received at different times of the day. Customer service team managers can use this information to better plan agents’ work during peak times.

In conjunction with the launch of the integration, HelpDesk has also unveiled the new Learning Space platform that is available for free to its users.

Instant, short forms of communication changed the way we write emails. People’s inboxes are often spammed with unnecessary messages lacking proper etiquette. That discourages many from using email. However, despite the evolution of real-time communication, email is still the core of online correspondence. We created the Learning Space platform in order to educate people about email best practices so that we all use email in the most effective way.
Rafal Kloc, Product Marketing Manager at LiveChat

The LiveChat team combines vast expertise in customer service with extensive product knowledge, which it shares in reports, webinars, and on the Success platform. Learning Space is the newest way the team has decided to share its knowledge. The first available course is covers writing business emails, including videos and tips on how to write confident emails in every business context.

For more information on how businesses can benefit from HelpDesk and instructions on how to install and use the integration, please visit this website: https://www.helpdesk.com/integrations/livechat/

Boston, MA – June 16, 2020

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