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Ticketing system

Solve every support case with our built-in ticketing system.

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Ticketing system in LiveChat Ticketing system in LiveChat


All communication
in one place

Tickets help you handle complex cases that can’t be resolved during a chat. They’re all kept in one place, so no question stays unanswered.

Tickets view in LiveChat app

Ticket sources


When an issue is too difficult to solve on chat, you can create a ticket while talking to a customer. You can also do it in Archives after the conversation is finished.

Ticket form

When you are offline, your customers can leave you messages in the chat widget. These messages are saved as tickets so you can reply when you are back online.


Connect your support inbox to LiveChat to handle support emails as tickets. Take advantage of tagging, statuses, and other LiveChat tools.

Access tickets in mobile apps

Get the mobile ticketing system you know and love from the web and desktop. Enjoy the smooth workflow and solve tickets on the go on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.

Ticketing system in LiveChat mobile app

Private comments

Solve tickets with your teammates

No missing information

When collaborating on a ticket with the rest of your team, you don’t have to move your communication outside of LiveChat.

Visible only to your team

You can use private comments that are invisible to your customers but are visible to other members of the team.

Private comments

Ticket tags

Manage tickets effortlessly

Assign tags to tickets to quickly identify them later on. With additional context, you can group them to spot trends or find out what the common customer issues are.

Ticketing system in LiveChat mobile app

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Ticket statuses

Optimize your customer support

When a lot of people handle tickets, it's easy to lose track of what needs to be done. Ticket statuses help prioritize work in your team.

Ticket statuses


Cases that await action from the agent.


Cases that await a response from the customer.

Solved tickets

Cases that are completed.


A category reserved for malicious or otherwise unnecessary tickets.

Ticket ratings

Stay on top of your customers' needs

Customers can rate how your agents handled their cases via tickets. The number of good and bad ratings for each agent is displayed in the ticket satisfaction report.

Automatic reminders

LiveChat can automatically remind customers to rate solved tickets to make sure you get feedback.

Ticket ratings


Ticket reports and analytics

LiveChat automatically keeps track of all your ticket-related activities and presents the data in several reports.

Ticket reports

Resolution time

See how long, on average, it takes your team and individual agents to resolve a ticket.

Ticket satisfaction

Check the number of both good and bad ratings on particular dates as well as the overall satisfaction of your customers.

Solved tickets

Keep track of the number of tickets solved each day and achieve your KPI, SLA, or other pre-defined metrics.

Discover more features

Image showing LiveChat's customer
We now handle 70% of our tickets in under two hours, which is an improvement from 40 before LiveChat.

Rachel Quick, of Customer Support at Recurly

34,000+ customers can't be wrong

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