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Chat tools

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LiveChat app chat features

Message sneak-peek

Reply faster

Everything that your customers are typing is visible to you before they send it over. You can search for an answer faster and respond in seconds.

Canned responses

Save time on repeated questions

Quickly save responses to common questions. Reuse them in conversations with just a few keystrokes.

Easy to use

Enter a hash sign and start typing. Suggestions will start showing right away.

One-click save

Finding yourself writing the same thing over and over again? Save the response with one click.

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Chat tags

Keep track of every conversation

Add tags to your chats to give them context. You’ll always know what your customers talk about and what problems they face.

Better reporting with tags

Filter reports using tags to compare numbers between different types of cases.

Chat tags

Rich messages

Engage customers with a better live chat experience

Send messages that are more personal, intuitive, and appealing than plain text.


A text message followed by buttons. Useful when you want to create a clickable response or build a menu.

Rich message with a button

Quick replies

Pre-defined instant replies that can be selected by users. Convenient for scheduling, surveying, and suggesting possible answers.

Rich message with a quick reply

Cards and carousels

Cards that contain an image, a title, a description, and up to three buttons. Perfect for product recommendations. Add a few cards to create a carousel.

Rich message with a mobile card


Apps that are temporarily displayed in the chat widget so the customer can complete an action like paying or scheduling a meeting.

Rich message with moments

Rich messages are available through integrations with services like ChatBot, Shopify, and Calendly.

File sharing

Share anything

Drag and drop files to send them on chat. Screenshots, offers, catalogs. Whatever makes supporting your customers easier. Oh! Customers can send files, too.

We support these file formats (and many others):

.jpg, .png, .gif, .tif, .bmp, and more
.pdf, .ps, .eps, and more
.ptx, .ppt, .keynote, and more
.mp3, .wav, .aif, .mpg, .ogg, and more
.xls, .xlm and more
.exe, .bat, and more
.html, .css, and more
.zip, .rar, .7z, and more
.docx, .rtf, .txt, .eml, and more
.mov, .avi, .mp4, .flv, .3gp, and more
File sharing within the chat widget

Chat archives

Find past conversations

All chats are stored and can be accessed later on. Use filters to quickly find conversations that include a certain phrase, were handled by a particular agent, or happened during a specific time.

LiveChat chat archives
LiveChat chat archives LiveChat chat archives LiveChat chat archives

Inactivity messages

Never lose your leads again

Stay in touch with customers even when your agents are too busy to reply instantly.

Ask for email

If a visitor hasn't heard from an agent after a specified amount of time, you can still keep your lead engaged by asking for their email address.

Inactivity messages in LiveChat

Provide personal support to all your customers

Free 14-day trial Team plan features No credit card required


Never miss a chat

Sound and visual notifications from LiveChat apps ensure that no chat or new message goes unnoticed. You can choose which notifications you want to receive.

LiveChat notification LiveChat notification

Chat transfer

Help your teammates

Your agents can work as a team and transfer chats when necessary. It’s extra handy when you come across cases that only a particular member of the team can handle.

Chat transfer in LiveChat

Chat ratings

Improve your customer service

Gather feedback to know if your customers are happy with their live chat experience.

Chat rating

It only takes one click for a customer to show how they rate your support team.

Chat rating in the chat widget

Post-chat survey

Get specific feedback with short surveys showing after each chat.

Post-chat survey in the chat widget

Customer satisfaction report

Check how each of your agents is rated to see where your team can improve.

Customer satisfaction report in LiveChat app

Discover more features

Image showing LiveChat's customer
It’s very intuitive and all the new improvements make our work much more comfortable.

Anita Patla, Team Manager, NJU mobile

34,000+ customers can't be wrong

Companies that use LiveChat Companies that use LiveChat Companies that use LiveChat

Start using LiveChat now!

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